ArdhaMatsyandarasana (Half fish
twist pose)
Technique: (Should be
learned under supervision)
Ø Sit on the left heel touching the perineum below the genitals, men
should carefully lift the scrotum away from harm. Ensuring that the heel is
securely anchored on the perineum and not shifting.
Ø Lift the right leg over the left thigh and plant the sole of the
right foot as close as possible to the left hip joint.
Ø Using the right hand pull the folded knee close to the body and
anchor it under the left armpit.
Ø Twist around and try to catch the right ankle with the right hand.
Turn the face in the direction of the twist.
Ø Breathe shallow. Maintain for 10 counts. Repeat in the other
direction in the same manner but changing the directions. Repeat 3 to 6 times
in both directions.
Ø The exercise is excellent for retaining spinal curvature.
Continuous exercise will prevent backache and hip ailments. It stabilises the
position of the shoulder blades and energises the back muscles. It helps
increasing flexibility of the body. This exercise also tones up the sympathetic
and parasympathetic nervous system.
Ø The action of twisting the torso rejuvenates all the organs
associated with digestion; the stomach, pancreas, liver and intestines. It
optimises production of enzymes and absorption of nutrition. It also forces
toxins out, thereby cleaning up the digestive system. This exercise is good for
indigestion, diabetes, and other stomach ailments.
Some noteworthy points:
Ø People with any form of spondylitis should do this asana under
Ø The spine consists of 3 major areas; the cervical region or neck,
Thoracic/dorsal or upper back and lumbar/lower back put together by a total of
24 bones, called vertebrae. Discs of cartilage separate these bones absorbing
shock and allowing the spine to bend. The spine carries the spinal chord, a
critical component of the central nervous system. In order to stay healthy, the
spine need to be exercised in the forward, backward, sideways directions and
twisted as shown above.
Ø The extreme twisting of torso also results in the stretching and
pushing of the stomach and intestines. So after performing this asana, don’t be
surprised if there is a bout of flatulence and burping. This is just the
release of air which is trapped in the alimentary canal which is forced out by
the asana.