An engineer, management professional with over 30 years experience in senior positions. I come from a family that has 3 generations of Yoga Masters and Therapists. My manual on Situational Awareness for Stress Management is in final stages of design and scheduled for release shortly. Feedback on this blog would greatly assist me in delivering a better book.

Friday, 11 November 2016

Asana 16 - Trikonasana

Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

Ø  Stand erect with lets spread to the width of the shoulders. Keep hands to the side.
Ø  Breathe in and raise hands to shoulder height.
Ø  Breathing out, bend to the side so that fingers touch feet. Try to bend only at the waist and keep shoulder, kneesandelbows straight so that the bending action is maximized.
Ø  While bending, keep face straight but move eyes sideways to gaze at the fingertips of the hands that are in the air.
Ø  Breathing in, come back to straight position.
Ø  Breathe in and bring hands back to side.
Ø  People with cardiac ailments should do this exercise slowly because of the aerobic nature of the asana.
Ø  Instead of touching the hands to the feet on the same side (right hand touching right feet and left hand touching left feet), cross over and touch the opposite feet (right hand touching left feet and left hand touching right feet)
Ø  The action of bending results in the side muscles being alternately compressed and stretched. This strengthens the muscles and removes fat from the sides.
Ø  The bending action increases flexibility of the spine. All muscles of the spine get toned up.
Ø  The movement of the eyes increases peripheral vision and strengthens the eye muscles.
Some noteworthy points:

Ø  The spacing of the legs is important. Too narrow, and the strain on the side abdominal muscles (oblique miscles) can lead to cramps. Too wide, and the strain on the inside thighs can be very high.

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