Uddiyana bandha (Abdominal Suction)
Technique: (Should be
learned under supervision)
Ø Stand erect with legs slightly apart and hands to the side.
Ø Bend forward and place hands on the thigh some 6 inches from the
hip joint.
Ø Breathe out and empty the stomach of all air.
Ø Relax the abdominal and rectal muscles.
Ø When you feel the lungs completely empty, suck the stomach vigorously
inwards towards the spine as far as possible.
Ø Hold for as long as is convenient.
Ø Breathe in slowly and release the stomach back to normal.
Ø Stand erect and bring hands to the sides.
Ø Repeat 3 to 6 times.
Ø People with hernia, renal disease should avoid this exercise.
Those with stomach ailments should increase pressure slowly.
Ø When the stomach is sucked inwards, the ascending, descending and
transverse colon and intestines are pulled upwards towards the spine. The
rectal muscles are also pulled inwards. The small intestines and other organs
such as the spleen, pancreas and stomach get pushed towards the spine. This
results in the faecal matter getting completely evacuated from the body. All
diseases related to acidity, piles and constipation get removed by practice of
this exercise.
Ø The inward suction of the organs strengthens the muscles holding
the abdominal viscera to the spine and the intra-abdominal muscles.
Ø The action of completely emptying the lungs and push of the
diaphragm inwards increases the stroke of the diaphragm and helps increasing
lung capacity and efficiency.
Ø This exercise rejuvenates all major organs such as pancreas,
liver, kidneys etc.
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